Friday, July 4, 2014

Mughal Kos Minar

   Towers as distance markers
 Mughal Kos Minar
The Mughal Kos Minars, approximately 20 ft in height were distance markers measuring out distances in kos, each kos being approximately 3 km. They were placed by Akbaralong the Grand Trunk road all the way from Agra to Ambala.
The long ancestry of the Grand Trunk (G.T) Road
During the Mauryan empire (third century B.C) , the G.T Road was the route fromPatliputr (patna) to Gandhara in Afganistan. It was extended to East Bengal (Sonargaon) by Sher Shah. In 1836 it was repaired and linked to Calcutta by the Brittish
- Kos Minars ( Mile Pillars)

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